Where History Meets Fun:
Explore the Bonzini Story

About Bonzini: The Brand

Bonzini’s blend of craftsmanship with industrial and technical expertise makes the brand unique.
That legacy enables Bonzini to be imaginative and creative and regularly develop new innovations
while preserving the traditions that have made the company what it is today.

The Bonzini name alone identifies not only a brand, but also a culture.

What is Bonzini?

Bonzini is the long-standing market leader and its tables are considered the
gold standard in European-style foosball. With their generations of fans, Bonzini foosball tables have acquired cult status. They are the icons the Bonzini brand is built on.

Customers choose this brand for its elegant design and quality construction. The craftsmanship that is built into every table is reflected by the value it retains far after the purchase. Customers across the world know that purchasing a Bonzini is an investment for generations to come.

A Legacy of Quality

High-Quality Materials

All tables are made by craftsmen in France with the highest quality material from eco-friendly sources. Careful and skilled assembly of each table ensures unrivalled playing performance. Each Bonzini foosball table has an average lifespan of 30 to 40 years!

Iconic Original Design

The combination of colors and shapes--a natural blonde wooden cabinet, black legs, green pitch, red rails, and blue and red players--that are seen on a Bonzini foosball table have become the standard for "babyfoot" tables worldwide.

Tradition & Innovation

Even while keeping it's traditional look and style, Bonzini has always been on the cutting edge of innovation with new materials and finishes for its tables. As such, all Bonzini foosball tables are fully customizable with a variety of options and finishes.

Cultural Icons

The unique, striking shapes of the Bonzini B60 and B90 tables have become the standard look for European-style foosball. This original style and look has become so iconic that many competitors have tried to copy or imitate, without ever achieving the same results.

Be aware of copycats!

The Bonzini History

Bonzini has a history spanning almost 100 years. Learn how the family-owned company
started in the suburb of Bagnolet, France to how it flourished into an internationally-recognized brand.